Dear Lady, dear Sir!

We are very happy that you are interested in working in Austria at CS Caritas Socialis as a certified nurse! Here is a short introduction of CS Caritas Socialis to you and some relevant information.

All the best for your German language course and the official recognition of your education! We are looking forward to meeting you!

If you have any further questions, please write to us (in English or German) to

Werner Marschitz

Head of Human Resources


Who is CS Caritas Socialis?

CS Caritas Socialis (abbreviated as “CS”) cares for and accompanies people at the beginning and end of their life.

We care for around 1500 clients at home, on an outpatient basis in day care centers, where people are looked after during the day, and on an inpatient basis in residential care centers. We have four locations in Vienna where we care for our clients. There are inpatient long-term care facilities at three locations.

CS is known for its specialized services for people with dementia and multiple sclerosis. Seriously ill people in the last days and weeks of life are cared for in palliative facilities / hospice.

In addition to our residential and in-day care centers we offer specialized shared apartments for people with dementia that require a special form of care. Furthermore, CS operates kindergartens, assistance and counseling facilities.

CS Caritas Socialis was founded in 1919 as a religious sisterhood with the mission of reducing social misery.

850 employees, 400 students and interns, and about 70 community service workers work together in CS Caritas Socialis for the benefit of the people we care for. About 500 volunteers and friends support the CS Caritas Socialis in its activities.

The employees of CS have their roots in over 40 countries. Diversity and inclusion - living with differences - are the key features of how we work together at CS. Whether you are tall or short, young or old, a person with an impaired condition - we meet each other at the same level. We encourage each other. Different holidays and celebrations of each culture make it easier to organize staff duties.

We like to celebrate together. In fact, there's always something to celebrate, even if it is just that we enjoy working together!

In addition to team and facility celebrations, we also all celebrate together at the CS summer party or the annual thanksgiving party/Christmas party at the end of the year.

At the beginning, you will be employed in the inpatient long-term care of elderly people. You will find the job description at the bottom of this page.


Austria and Vienna

CS has operations in Vienna only. We have three nursing homes, which are easily accessible by public transport.

Vienna is the capital of Austria, there are about 2 million residents. Vienna is a very safe city. You can walk safely almost everywhere at any time of the day or night on your own.

The language is German (many inhabitants speak at least a little English), the predominant religion is Roman Catholic.

Vienna is considered to be the most liveable city in the world. You can find more about it here.

Almost all trips in Vienna can be made by public transportation (subway, streetcar, bus). This costs (by subscription) 1 Euro per day.

There is a "Philippine Nurses Association" in Vienna with a lot of community activities and support for nurses from the Philippines.


We look forward to meeting you and accompanying you as you arrive at the CS!

When you join CS, you will get to know your personal buddy/mentor from your colleagues or the group of volunteers. This person can help you to integrate more quickly into CS and will also help you with necessary tasks (e.g., opening a bank account, ...).

Part of your "welcome program" is a half-day-meeting for all new employees where you will be introduced to the CS, the work areas and the benefits of the organization.

In a full-day training on our mission statement, you will learn more about our values, common goals, and our culture of cooperation and leadership.



We will provide you with an apartment for at least two years. This costs about EUR 450, - per month (depending on size). Some apartments are in the close vicinity of the nursing home.



After taxes and insurance for sickness and pension you will get at least EUR 2.000 per month. Before summer and before winter you will receive an additional EUR 2.230 each, so together at least EUR 28.460 per year net.

For work on Sunday and during the night, you will receive an additional EUR 45 (approx.) per shift.


Insurance and Children

Everyone working in Austria is covered by health insurance and can see doctors free of charge. Medication is also free (except for a small deductible).

If you have worked in Austria for at least 15 years, you get a monthly pension after reaching the age of 65 (even if you then live somewhere else again).

Interim health and accident insurance will be provided for you by CS until you are authorized to work in Austria.

In the last weeks of a pregnancy and until two years after the birth you do not have to work, but get money from the state (although less than your salary while working). For children, you also get support from the state (until the child's 24th birthday at the latest).

Kindergartens and schools are provided free of charge, school education is very good.


Working hours and duty schedule

Duty schedules are announced at least one month in advance. Before the planning you have the possibility to tell the planner 4 days on which you don't want to work (“WF” in the schedule below). This can almost always be considered in the planning.

Here is a typical duty schedule:



Names have been hidden. "DGKP" means “certified nursing staff”.

"Vollzeit 2022" means 37 hours per week on average (there may be a maximum of 48 hours, but this will be made up to the average in subsequent weeks).
"Teilzeit" means part time with the weekly hours (“Std.”) specified.
Duty hours (in above schedule): L04: 07-18.00, L08: 07:30-18:30. L14: 07:30-19:30, N01: 19:15-07:15. Breaks are 30 or 60 minutes.
"WF" are the requested days off, “UR” is vacation.
For each night shift you get paid 2 hours of recovery time, this is accumulated and used on the days with "ZN".
As you can see, on average you have about 3.5 duties per week (day or night).



At the start, you have 25 working days of paid vacation per year. 5 working days are equivalent to one week, so this is 5 calendar weeks.

From the 2nd year of service and after 5 and after 10 years of service you will get one more day additionally. After 15 years of service, you will have 30 working days (=6 weeks) and after 20 years of service you will have 31 working days of vacation per year.

Vacation is planned at the beginning of the year for the whole year.


Training & Development

We support, learn and encourage!

For many years now, CS has had one of the most extensive training programs in the entire sector. Each year, you can choose from approximately 300 in-house education events (also via e-learning) in the following topics:

  • Nursing
  • Dementia
  • Palliative care
  • Mobile care
  • Prevention/Fire Protection
  • IT/Data Security
  • Safe and healthy work
  • Kindergarten
  • Mäeutics (this is our care model and you will get extensive training in it)
  • Leadership

Participation in external trainings is also possible and supported by us.


Benefits: in-house kindergarten places, discounted meals

The two in-house CS kindergartens (also with toddler and family groups) are prioritized for the children of our employees!

Our employees can have lunch in the in-house canteen at a very reasonable price and choose a menu from many options (incl. a salad buffet). There is always a vegetarian dish available as well.



Job description of a certified health care nurse
("Diplomierte Gesundheits- und Krankenpfleger:in")

Here is the job description for certified nurses in CS. You will learn about the exact nursing responsibilities that are required of a nurse in Austria during the training process. The legal description of the responsibilities and tasks of a nurse are given by law. >>




CS Bewerbung

CS Ungargasse
+43 660 9490 490

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